A GPS tracker for a car is a small device with a GPS module that allows you to determine the location of the vehicle with an accuracy of one meter. The location of the car is calculated using the global satellite system.


Car GPS tracker can work in online or offline modes. The main difference between the online tracker is the ability to transmit information to the server in real time via Wi-Fi, radio frequencies or GPRS-channel. Offline GPS trackers, in turn, record information in a special memory module, and to transfer it to a computer, you need to connect the device to a PC. They are preferred for small fleets.

The standard online tracker includes:

  • GPS receiver (GLONASS/GPS), which is used to determine the coordinates of the object and other parameters;
  • GSM modem that transmits information to the monitoring system server;
  • Antenna; 
  • Built-in power supply.

In the basic configuration, the GPS tracker allows you to control the route, location, direction and speed of the vehicle. But there are models with broader functionality. Thus, the use of fuel control sensors very relevant for trucks and special equipment. The engine speed control function allows you to evaluate the driving style, and accounting for the operation of refrigeration units and temperature sensors is important for refrigerators. Modern on-board computer allows you to significantly expand the functionality of the equipment. But before installing a GPS tracker for the car, consider a few important points:To control the mileage and route of the car, it is important that the tracker repeats its movement as accurately as possible (determined by the stability of the connection with the antenna and the frequency of data updates). If the tracker has a remote GPS antenna for the most accurate determination of coordinates, it should be installed in the most open place to avoid the effect of shielding the signal with metal surfaces of the car. If there is a built-in antenna to accurately determine the coordinates of the tracker should not be placed under metal surfaces. GPS coordinates and their accuracy are determined by the number of satellites from which the tracker receives a signal. Among other things, for motorists, a GPS tracker is a kind of anti-theft tool that allows you to find a car after theft or moving to a fine Parking lot. Moreover, the tracker can be piled at any distance from the owner of the car, it is almost impossible to detect the hijackers — even who use code grabbers, ether scanners and all sorts of “Jammers”


The positioning accuracy of a GPS tracker is usually about 5 m, but this parameter depends significantly on the model of the device and can reach 15-20 meters or more. Therefore, before purchasing a tracker, you should carefully study its technical characteristics. 

So, we recommend paying attention to the following parameters of the car GPS tracker:
  • Accuracy of coordinates determination. Most tracker manufacturers allow an error of up to 2.5 m. A higher value indicates either poor quality of the device, or that the equipment is technologically outdated. Time of hot and cold start (time of determining the location of the car by satellite and transmitting the signal to the server). 
  • Hot start refers to the period from the beginning of the movement of the vehicle after its short stop. In most models of GPS trackers, it is 5-15 seconds. The calculation of time for a cold start is carried out from the moment. The equipment is turned on or the ignition is switched on after the car is idle. Typically, this is no more than 40 seconds. Exceeding this indicator may result in incorrect display of the distance traveled by the car and unreliability of reporting. 
  • The ability to control the tracker from any PC or gadget with an Internet connection. 
  • The sensitivity of the tracking. It determines the quality of the receiver's interaction with satellites in the navigation coverage area, which is especially important in the presence of interference. 
  • Functionality. The basic set of functions is usually sufficient for non-professional use, but in some cases, it is useful to obtain data on the voltage in the onboard network, fuel consumption, the level of temperature in the car, the operation of key mechanisms, etc. 
  • Power type: onboard power supply or own battery. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure smooth maintenance of the device.

The GPS tracker consists of a receiving and transmitting module. The first of them is responsible for determining the coordinates, and the second-serves as a signal translator over cellular channels or GPRS. Therefore, when selecting a device, it is important to evaluate the possible methods of notification. The best option is if the reception of data about coordinates was carried out both on the GLONASS system and on GPS. 

When choosing a GPS tracker for a car, we recommend following a few tips: 

Choose a device that allows you to constructively increase functionality without replacing the base unit. The possibility of such an upgrade is supported by most electronics developers and is absolutely justified, because it is likely that today You buy a tracker for normal tracking, and after a while You will need a fuel sensor or flow meter. 

Buy a car GPS tracker from reliable sellers who know everything about operation, design and circuitry, and not only understand sales. You should also refrain from suggestions that refute the importance of the functionality of professional trackers. 

Make sure that the provider's software supports the available GPS tracker functionality. 

Purchase equipment that is available for service in our country. In addition, an important selection criteria are a convenient web interface, integration with specialized programs for logistics and taxi transportation, as well as round-the-clock technical support for users. As a rule, the price of a GPS tracker for a car is determined not only by the technical parameters of the equipment. They also depend on the popularity of the brand. The cheapest devices are considered as Chinese-made. Many of them are quite high-quality and reliable. The cost of trackers of domestic production varies between $32-$112, and many of them have good technical characteristics. The most expensive and most reliable devices are considered as imported (European, Korean, etc.). These GPS trackers for cars embody the most advanced technologies in this field and are characterized by a wide range of functions, as well as a stylish design. But they are much more expensive. An-Security Direct specialists are always ready to help you choose a high-quality, reliable and functional device. We will select the optimal equipment for Your car, which will allow you to protect it from theft and other troubles to the maximum. 
GPS TRACKER FOR CAR GPS TRACKER FOR CAR Reviewed by ElektonikRusya on 3:43 PM Rating: 5

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